Products > Car care products > Polish chamoises and suction blocks

MANNOL 9811 Synthetic Chamois

Polish chamoises and suction blocks


Synthetic Chamois-high-quality durable artificial suede for washing and polishing cars and use in everyday life, is an innovative product made of the latest generation of polymers. Ideal for removing residual moisture from various surfaces after washing the vehicle.

- Soft and very hygroscopic-absorbs moisture and dust well;
- Perfectly polishes and cleans, leaving no stains, streaks, microparticles and lint;
- Does not leave scratches;
- High strength, durability, chemical resistance.

Size: 43x32 cm

Application: after use, wash the cloth with warm water and soap, then rinse thoroughly. Store wet in a tightly closed container.

After using, flush with soap. Keep wet in package.

1 St. (9811)